In the aftermath of a devastating accident that claimed the life of his friend, Stefan Romansque – Rome – finds himself consumed by survivor’s guilt, clutching onto it like a suffocating cloak. His sole intention is to tend to his wounds in seclusion, but his plans are abruptly shattered when he discovers an intruder lurking within his private Highland sanctuary.
Arina Kovalyova, a woman desperately fleeing for her life, seeks refuge only to stumble upon a captor more terrifying than those she had escaped. Will Rome become her unexpected ally, or does he pose an even graver threat? This hardened criminal offers protection, but as her attraction to him intensifies, she risks losing everything she holds dear.
United as unlikely bedfellows, Rome and Arina must confront a relentless adversary and forge an extraordinary alliance, fighting for their survival against all odds. Can they overcome their inner demons and trust one another enough to navigate the treacherous path ahead?